Mental Wellbeing Tips

Mental wellbeing is all about having a healthy mindset. If you ever need any help with your mental wellbeing it's something you should try and reach out to someone with help for ('see who to reach out to for help' for more information).

If you feel that something is mentally dragging you down or someone close to you seems like they are struggling mentally it's important to tell someone so they can get help before anything goes wrong, which it sometimes can.

Some ways to try and keep your mental wellbeing healthy is by:


Think positively about yourself: it seems like something small but even just saying to yourself that you look nice in an outfit or that your hair looks nice today because sometimes all you need is a little confidence boost.


Keep friends that make you happy: I know it seems obvious but to some people they feel like they must be friends with certain people but let me tell you that you don't have to be friends with anyone. Even if you've been friends with someone for a long time and now you feel that they are pushing you down it's important to make sure that you try to talk to that person about why they are dragging you down now and didn't in the past. Keeping people around that have a happy energy will slowly give you that happy energy but if you keep people around who are always mean, eventually you'll become like them without even realizing it.


Try not to be too much of a people pleaser:  Being a people pleaser is when you always put others needs before your own, this can end in you feeling unconfident about who you are and always worrying about people instead of you which can cause you to feel insecure or feel bad about yourself if you say no to something. Which can cause you to have too many things going on at once and you will become burnt out mentally and physically. Basically try not to take too much on, if you feel that you won't have time for this or that it's even something you just really don't want to do because that time was meant to be for you to relax and 'take a break' just say that to the person nicely and explain that you have too many things going on at once.

Poem about confidence!

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