Who to reach out to for help

In person:

  • Teacher: any teacher in the school will be able to help you and if they don't know the answer. They will ask someone who does.
  • Parent/Guardian: they are the people who you always know will be there for you, it is their job to help you and always care about you.


  • A large organisation like Jigsaw have a helpline (which is listed below) that you can reach out to for help if you do not feel comfortable talking to someone you know.
  • Helpline list:

Jigsaw:  Free 1 on 1 support for people aged 12-25: 01 472 7010

Cairde: Information and advice provision on health services and rights: 01 8020785

Console: Suicide helpline: 1800 247 247

LGBT+ helpline: 1890 929 539

Pieta House: 1 on 1 therapeutic service for young people at risk of self-harm or suicide: 01-8831000

Teen Line: Teenagers and young adults to connect talk and get help: 1800 833 634

Who not to ask for help:

  • Random stranger online: they most likely don't know what they are talking about unless you use a trusted website or helpline.

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